

have a few minutes?

Long-standing board member, Ron Mable, took it upon himself to peruse through past board meeting minutes. This arduous task was both fascinating and enlightening. Beginning 8 October 1907 and ending 18 January 1955, one quickly learns how little has changed with the upkeep and challenges of caring for an historic burial ground. The tasks might seem similar and repetitive but the cost of those tasks have changed dramatically. It’s a sobering reminder why volunteers and generous Friends are more important than ever to retain this historic gem. Like the cemetery itself, this review of the years through the notes of board members remains a window to local history we would, otherwise, not know. Our thanks to those past record-keepers and to volunteer, Mr. Mable.

denominational delineation

In december 1819, John L. Wright conveyed a plot of ground to the Society of Friends for their burial area (today, Section J). This gesture led to the conveyance of an adjacent plot set aside for the presbyterians (Section K). The methodists, not wanting to be overlooked, were given another plot (Section L). The lutherans didn’t want short-changed, so they were given the next plot in line (Section M). The final section left on the Cherry Street side was set aside as Potter’s Field.